Will the organic sector be prepared to reach the 25% target of organic land by 2023?
National and EU-level experts meet at the IFOAM Organics Europe headquarters in Brussels on the 28th and 29th of June 2023 to build scenarios for the development of the organic agriculture sector.
Producers, processors, retailers, consultants, and NGOs representing 11 EU countries together with EU-level policy-makers will define the possible pathways that may shape the future of the organic sector.
The workshop will engage in total 20 selected experts in organic farming for two full working days. They will be actively involved in a practical foresight exercise that will explore different scenarios that might affect the organic sector in reaching the F2F targets. Prior to the workshop, the experts identified the most relevant uncertainties regarding the future of the organic sector.
Uncertainties represent those driving forces that have potentially a high impact on the future of the sector, but which are unstable or unpredictable and may result in both desirable or undesirable states.
Scenario help to challenge the status quo and encourage creative thinking about the future, and enhance decision-making ability under conditions of uncertainty, which ultimately can lead to the development of more resilient policies and plans.
The OrganicTargets4Europe scenarios will be developed to enable participants to participatorily bound the driving forces and uncertainties in each course of action and to analyze their impacts in reaching the Farm to Fork organic target.
A post-workshop survey will validate the scenarios developed during the practical foresight exercise, and further, a second EU-level workshop will take place to build plausible scenarios for the development of the organic aquaculture sector.
If you want to know more, please contact: zanoli@agrecon.univpm.it