The OrganicTargets4EU project is hosting the CORE Organic Network of European Public Finders that is actively engaged in the Green ERA Hub (GEH) initiative. The GEH gathers, along with the CORE Organic, 15 international networks from the agri-food and biotechnology area.
This ‘network of networks’ has started its activities in September 2022 and it plans to launch three research calls across different thematic areas.
Call topics
In accordance with the call scope proposals must address one of the following four topics:
Topic 1: Enhance fertilizer efficiency and reduce fertilizer use
Topic 2: Increase European protein self-sufficiency
Topic 3: Mitigate GHG emissions in agricultural and food system
Topic 4: Sustainable energy use and production in agri-food systems
There will be a webinar for applicants on the 20th of June 2023, 11:00 CEST (max. 60 min).
To register, please click here.
The deadline for pre-registration of proposals is July 20, 12:00h CEST.
The deadline for full proposal submission is September 7, 12:00h CEST.
Go directly to the call announcement and submission system for proposals.